Message from the CEO: We are all created equal, and our passions inspire our individuality, our dreams, and our goals. The contributions from our talents should be gifts we share, give back and inspire others to dream. No one is an island; we are all one team that thrives on community achievements.

Diamond Tier Sponsor

2024 Fall Campaign

Investing in innovation and sustainable outcomes for African American Opportunity Youth.

You are cordially invited to





Equality Dream Team is a community-based nonprofit organization dedicated
to providing sustainable economic and educational solutions for young people in
underserved Chicago communities.  Program participants - who are high school
and college-aged youths from some of the most economically-deprived
neighborhoods in Chicago - participate in a multi-faceted curriculum that
facilitates problem solving and critical thinking related to career and other
future-planning decisions.  The EDT program is designed to create an
entrepreneurial mindset for our youth - one that will help create measurable
economic opportunities.  EDT offers courses relating to education,
apprenticeship, internship, trades, corporate introductions, entrepreneurial
development, and other advanced business opportunities. 

Almost 60% of African American Youth Drop out of college. UNCF. Org:2022

EDT focuses on comprehensive measurable solutions with successful conversions. Our MISSION: is to “Educate and provide tools that will help underserved African American
Youth develop economic stability;” by recapturing and redirecting the untapped potential of
college engaged and deferred African American Youth to Meet the needs of today’s job market.

The EDT Solution

EDT offers program participants a comprehensive environment suited to provide the best results for everyone. Key program points are: 

• EDT entrepreneurship “mindset” Curriculum teaching problem solving, utilizing critical thinking and non-cognitive concepts skills that teach perseverance, patience, dealing with rejection, dealing with competition, networking, wellness, financial acumen, understanding their strengths, soft skills, mission, core values, interview skills, dress for success, and so much more. 

• Assistance with College Applications 

• Academic and Career development 

• Mentoring and Coaching 

• Resume and Brand Development 

• Corporate or skilled labor Internship initiatives 

• College graduation assistance 

• Career and job assistance for employment 

• Career Mentoring candidates after employment for promotional development

The mission is also achieved by developing a curriculum that is customized for the young people who participate in this entrepreneurial based program. Several program participants are testing the current version of that curriculum.

The curriculum and program are approximately 16 weeks. Modules are fluid and by either formal learning (instructor/student) or via E-Learning (on-line). Once developed the curriculum can be marketed through licensing fees to other non-profits in order provide a revenue stream for EDT so that it can be financially independent. To finalize the curriculum and program development EDT needs your help. EDT needs to raise $16,000 to achieve this goal to complete the curriculum in the next 60 days and begin to scale our mission. The immediate 30 days are critical as youth will be available during the fall break Would you consider donating $1000 to help with this goal? That’s just one week of the curriculum! To donate please visit

Strategic Planning

Three key points identify what the Equality Dream Team offers individuals, charities, and other foundations.


Offer a turnkey curriculum based on entrepreneurial mindset of critical thinking and non-cognitive skills.


Work with several partners to offer opportunity youth educational and career resources.


Assessments, surveys, and research-backed data sets measurable time frames and goals.


Raniee Graduated from Howard University with a degree in Legal and Management Communications. EDT’s network provided introductions to Law Firms and Attorneys. Raniee is off to a successful career in business.

Learn More

Entrepreneur Curriculum

The curriculum content is built on EDT survey’s given and received from African American corporate leaders and, entrepreneurs, educators, teachers, parents and students from underserved communities, doctors, school counselors, skilled workers and a variety of curriculum course entrepreneurs and companies. EDT curriculum is also inspired by CEO Christopher Augmon that has worked 23 years as corporate executive and current entrepreneur since 2006.   

EDT's entrepreneur mindset curriculum is formatted with True and False, Multiple choice, fill in the blank and rubrics grading guidelines to make easy to grade and easy for candidates/students to comprehend.

Learn More


Tavis meeting with @properties with All State Insurance in Chicago for informational interviews for summer and summer internships.



Jerimiah, Tavis, Chris

Jerimiah and Tavis

Jerimiah and Tavis being coached by Chris on curriculum and career development.

Featured Students

The following students highlight the success so far: •

 Camille is a Sophomore at Columbia studying neuroscience is starting a 2023 summer internship at Lurie’s Hospital. 

• Rimaje is a Junior at University at Illinois, has increased his grades and secured a 2023 summer internship at Greenwood Project 

• Travis is a junior at Saint Augustine’s University, NC., has completed his resume and is working on a Summer 2023 Real Estate internship. 

• R.J. is a High School Freshman at Basic High School is enrolling in summer school classes to boost his grades. 

• Robert has officially graduated from Paine College, GA. with a degree in Marketing and Business and works at the Enterprise Corporation. 

• Sharon is graduating from South Forsyth High School, attending University of Illinois Fall 2023 studying Kinesiology

Take students from 15 to 18 to exploratory. 

EDT Measure results 

Take out 3 and replace with EDT Progress and outcomes customers. Describe a product, share announcements, or welcome customers to your store.

Candidate Spotlight



Sophomore studying Neuroscience at Columbia University, NY



Rimaje, Junior at University of llinois, studying Communications and minoring in Business.

Highest Education Level of EDT Participants

The following is the highest educational level attained to date for the EDT initial 15 candidate/student Exploratory Cohort.

EDT has worked with 18 participants in an exploratory cohort to determine if the support provided was practical, pertinent, and effective in helping youth towards admirable careers which would enable their climb out of poverty. Support included both education on career development and networking. Activities included resume writing, introductions to internships, counseling on career choices, how to connect with people in their industry, and networking to provide the participants introductions in their chosen fields.

EDT Services and Interventions

EDT provides a multifaceted array of services to ensure participants successfully realize their chose career and a life out of poverty. The following chart details the percent of the exploratory cohort who have benefited from each of the EDT

EDT Progress/Outcomes

Out of the initial 18 candidates we have worked with, five of the participants have now graduated college. Of those 5, four are currently in career growth jobs that have salaries in the high 5 or 6 digits. Another college graduate, without an initial job, was referred to a technical sales training program. There are five students currently in college. Two were placed in internships. The other three are currently in college and being trained through the EDT program. The final participant is a high school student currently enrolled in the EDT program.

These initial results are quite encouraging and point to the effectiveness of EDT’s support of young people. EDT is now revising and formalizing the curriculum with plans to go forward with its first larger cohort.


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